Peacewind Lot Information

Braveheart Properties Of Brevard in Cocoa, Florida is a 501( c) ( 3) nonprofit that developed Peacewind, a tiny home and small cottage community offering long-term solutions for tiny homes as a permanent residence.

Jinkie Echols is the founder and President. Peacewind is a legally zoned and code-compliant tiny home and small cottage community.

Jinkie wrote the codes and zoning five years ago and got it passed through their county in order to create Peacewind Community as a legally planned urban development for permanent long-term living. There are 84 sites of a diverse mix of tiny homes on wheels, and small cottages on a foundation that include both renters and homeowners.


Peacewind Rental Lot Information: Bring Your Own Tiny Home On Wheels

All lots have electric, city water, and sewer ready for occupancy. We provide your hook-up and pad and the homeowners pay their own monthly utilities. Rentals require a background check and a minimum of a one-year lease.

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Peacewind Lots for Purchase

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Contact Us To Learn More: braveheartpropertiesofbrevard@gmail.com